And the MVP is… Team Chiropractor!

The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP), is about to blow the lid off of any misconceptions around the importance of chiropractic care in our daily lives, including the NFL.
Super Bowl 50 will showcase the leading players in the National Football League, with team chiropractors for the Carolina Panthers and the Denver Broncos, helping players achieve optimal performance.
The F4CP feels that the role of chiropractors is sometimes diminished because most people do not fully understand the concept of this type of medicine and how it plays a big part in the overall game of wellness.
So take the home team advantage this week. Remind your own patients that when they see their favorite player take a painful hit for that extra yard on the field, there is a qualified professional making sure they’re able to perform optimally. That professional is their doctor of chiropractic (DC).
So this Sunday, remember, three cheers for Team DC! Now, Get Your Patients In the Game…Move the Ball Forward!
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