Practice Efficiency


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Why EHR Is One of Your Best Investments
Run your practice for as little as $10 a day!

As thousands of chiropractors can attest, one of the best investments they have made for their practice was implementing an EHR solution. It paid dividends from day one, including increased efficiency, improved patient care, and easier, faster documentation. Another advantage is the proven affordability of a Medicfusion EHR solution.

Valuable Cost Performance!

The price of a Medicfusion solution is comparable to or less than other EHR systems on the market. But when all the benefits are added together, it’s clear that Medicfusion gives you a high return on your investment. Here’s why:

  • Cost Analysis: Chiropractors report that for less than $10-a-day, Medicfusion EHR virtually runs the data side of their entire practice. Your office is fully automated!
  • Pricing Flexibility: Medicfusion offers one basic EHR package with options for the billing component allowing you to decide what is best for your practice.
  •  Web-based Savings: Being a web-based (cloud) solution means you won’t have to invest in stand-alone software or servers. Also, since software updates are done automatically, you eliminate time and money spent on installs or upgrades.
  • Added Revenue: An investment in EHR will help increase revenue by simplifying the process of reporting data required by numerous payers. This information, properly submitted, is critical to receiving insurance reimbursements in a timely manner.
  • Capture Charges: With EHR, it’s easy to capture charges for all chiropractic services, helping your practice avoid lost revenues.
  • Less Personnel Costs: Fewer staff are needed to process clients, search for records or file patient charts. Transcription costs will also plummet since medical charts are created electronically at the time of the patient’s visit. Bottom line – you spend less on personnel while efficiency goes up.
  • Support and Training: You benefit from superior technical support as well as one of the most comprehensive online video training and educational webinar programs in the industry. These initiatives add immeasurable value to your Medicfusion package.

A Priceless Benefit

You won’t find this benefit on any cost analysis sheet, but it’s real and powerful. Dr. Kevin Sharp, founder of Sharp Chiropractic, said that automating his office with EHR let him relax, have his evenings free and take vacations without worrying about the office. “Peace of mind with my practice was by far the largest benefit with EHR over and above the significant increases in profitability and efficiency,” he noted. “Time spent with family and friends is invaluable!”

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  • Medicfusion Inc.
    Lee Farm Corp. Park, 83 Wooster Heights Rd, Suite 210, Danbury CT. 06810
    Ph: 1-866-643-7778 Fax: 1-866-833-0226