SOAP Notes


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Fast, Accurate SOAP Notes
Just what the doctor ordered

Uniquely configured SOAP notes (an acronym for subjective, objective, assessment, plan) with Transcription Library are among the many reasons why Medicfusion has emerged as the leading  EHR provider to the chiropractic community.

Good for Doctors

Medicfusion’s EHR software is a boon to chiropractor productivity. It lets them develop high quality SOAP notes faster and more accurately than ever before. These are automatically generated and can be signed electronically from home or work, with no pulling or filing of charts. You wind up treating more patients in less time and typically have all notes completed by day’s end.

The intuitive nature of our SOAP notes also helps increase productivity. Screens flow from top to bottom, left to right, making them easy to read and extremely user friendly.

Faster Documentation

It’s tough in today’s healthcare environment to generate compliant and original documentation and still see a reasonable level of patients. The solution is Medicfusion EHR. We offer unprecedented speed, scope and style, letting you completely document the clinical encounter. Other benefits include:

  • You enjoy more timely reimbursement because your supporting documentation will comply with CMS guidelines and support the appropriate level of service being billed. Key point – better documentation also reduces liability.
  • In addition to delivering the best documentation, Medicfusion completely eliminates the hassles associated with travel cards, manila folders or hanging files.
  • You can also integrate your SOAP notes with features such as Outcome Assessment findings, Medication/Allergy lists, patient case and medical history (inputted via our Patient Portal).

Nothing Rigid or Canned

With Medicfusion software, patient records are created and maintained using narrative libraries that you control, not rigid templates that tend to produce “canned” notes.

Unmatched Customization

Medicfusion comes pre-loaded with one of the broadest, most comprehensive libraries of clinical exams and tests, featuring over 225 subjective, objective, assessment and plan findings. This helps ensure robust, customized clinical documentation for all patient records.

Transcription Library

Our Transcription Library of common medical terms specific to a practice adds even greater speed, efficiency and accuracy to your SOAP notes. A chiropractor recently commented, “I just click on one of the many phrases used in my practice, and it comes up. I don’t have to type it out every time. This eliminates errors and is also a real time saver.”


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  • Medicfusion Inc.
    Lee Farm Corp. Park, 83 Wooster Heights Rd, Suite 210, Danbury CT. 06810
    Ph: 1-866-643-7778 Fax: 1-866-833-0226